ஆசிரியர் தேர்வு வாரியத்தினால் (TRB) நடத்தப்படும் ஆசிரியர் தகுதித் தேர்வு (TET) மற்றும் முதுகலை ஆசிரியர்களுக்கான (TRB PG) போட்டித்தேர்வுகளில் கேட்கப்படும் கல்வியியல் (Education) சம்பந்தமான பகுதியில் கேட்கப்படும் வினாக்களின் தொகுப்பு இங்கே தரப்பட்டுள்ளது. முந்தைய வினாக்களைக் காண இங்கே செல்லவும்.
- In Tamilnadu, the Novodaya Schools are located - nowhere
- Value Based Education can be imparted by - any teacher handling any subject
- In october 1983, the principle of peace education was adopted in - Prayag
- The definition for National Integration refers to - the fusion of sentiments of the People binding the nation
- The type of Education given to gifted and handicapped children is - Special Education
- Sex education is --------- population education - a part of
- Kendriya vidyalaya are managed by - Central government
- The most favoured Leadership style is - Laissez faire
- The problem of Population is a - Economic problem
- Right to education is - Human right
- Recent trend in education expects a classroom teacher to act also as a - moderator
- Case study is a research carried out by - Teacher
- Operant conditioning was established by - skinner
- The theory of readiness was formulated by - Thorndike
- Educational psychology is a subject by - science
- --------- are the gateway of knowledge - all the five senses
- ------------ is the apparatus that is used to measure the span of attention - Tachistoscope
- Piagets Principles are about - Cognitive Development
- Logical thinking is - Reasoning
- Amorphic theory of Intellience was advocated by - Thorndike
- One of the important factors for learning is - attention
- The father of Educational Psychology is - Pestalozzi
- The internal factor of attention is mood
- The method of forming concept map in teaching was developed by - Novak and Gowin
- Peer group dominance is found in - Adolescence
- Heuristic method emphasizes learning by - doing
- Learning results out of -------- modification - Behaviour
- Stanley Hall said that ------------ is a stage of stress and storm - adolescence
- The man considered to be with good memory power is - Macaulay
- Trial and Error Learning Theory was initially propounded by - Thorndike
- Gestalt School of Psychologiests believed in - holistic approach
- Gagne described -------- level of learning - 8
- The theory of Operational conditioning was formulated by - skinner
- The law of effect emphasis the importance of rewards
- Problem solving involves- transfer of learning
- pavlov propounded the theory of - classical conditioning
- The term "Adolescence " was derived from "adolescere " which is a- Latin word
- ------------ is the founder of ' the school'- J Krishnamoorthy
- Rousseau an educationist is a/an - Naturalist
- Method used by Russell is - Induction Method
- Emile was a treatise on education written by Rousseau
- A S Neil's summer hill school was established as a school for - Problem children
- The author of book 'Democracy and Education" - Jhon Dewey
- Torrence was a - Psychologist
- Madarasa is a - Muslim school
- Social contract was Written by - Rousseau
- Froebal was -------- educator - German
- The author of " the noisy child and the silent mind" - J Krishnamoorthy
- The founder of Kindergarden school is - Froebel
- The Project method was advocated by - John Dewey
- The idea of 'things before words' is of - Pestalozzi
- One of the sainik school is in - amaravathy
- Novodhaya schools are located in - suburban areas
- Deschooling and society is idea created by - Ivan Illich
- branched Programming was given by - Crowder
- The Pioneer in the field of Teaching machines was - Sydney Bressey
- An extrovert is a person who process - Divergent Thinking
- The concept of Level of aspiration was firs introduced by - Dembo
- The Floating University(SS Universe) visited the Madras Harbour in - 1978
- Fredrick J McDonald established - Mobile School
- The formula of IQ is - MA / CA * 100(+ or -) 5
- TAT was developed by - Murray , Morgan
- The term " Intelligence" was first introduced by - Binet
gud post
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